The Inferno of Dante - Hero Journey


Dante's Inferno


The Call to Adventure

When Dante falls off the righteous path and wants to find his way back to the Mount of Joy. Virgil tells him the only way is through Hell.

Refusal of the Call

Dante believes he is unworthy of such a calling, but Virgil reprimands him.

Supernatural Aid

Virgil is Dante's supernatural aid, and is also symbolic of human reason.

The Crossing of the First Threshold

The actual gate leading into Hell.

The Belly of the Whale

When Dante initially passes out because he is so overwhelmed by the screams and torments of Hell, when they are crossing the river.

The Road of Trials

All of the beasts that Dante and Virgil encounter that try to block their way.

1) The three beasts that stop Dante initially.

2) Charon the ferry monster

3)The furies of Dis

The Meeting with the Goddess

Beatrice, the soul in Heaven that is guiding and watching out for Dante.

Woman as the Temptress

Dante's own sin and self doubt tempt him and hinder him occasionally through his journey.

Atonement with the Father

Meeting Satan is the atonement with the Father. This is symbolic of Dante atoning with his sins.


By walking through Hell, recognizing his sins, and repenting of them, Dante has reached a state of apotheosis.

The Ultimate Boon

Reaching the center of Hell and entering Purgatorio.

Refusal of the Return

Dante does not refuse the return, he wants to move forward.

The Magic Flight

Crawling up Satan's body into Purgatorio.

Rescue from Without

Although it's not really towards the end of their journey, Dante experiences a rescue from without when the being from Heaven comes into Hell to unlock the city of Dis.

The Crossing of the Return Threshold

Crossing from the Center of Hell into Purgatorio.

Master of the Two Worlds

Now Dante has mastered his sin, he can go onto repent and further onto the Mount of Joy.

Freedom to Live.

Dante isn't fully finished with his journey, so he is not fully free to live yet.